Thursday 30 May 2013

They Never Stop Working Hard

Dear Parents and Students,

What a great week it has been in the third grade class!  It has been a shorter week than usual for students, but all the third graders have been working very hard.  We also enjoyed our art exhibition.  I cannot believe it is over.  The year is getting to a close far too fast!

Next week is a very exciting week for all of us.  It is the Matilda week!  All drama club members will rehearse the whole of Tuesday and Wednesday. They need to be at the theater from 8.00pm until 5.00pm on both those days.  Matilda will be performed on Thursday, June 6th, and Friday, June 7th.  The curtains will open at 6.30pm. 

Not a lot of new work will be covered in classes next week.  We don’t want the Matilda cast to miss out on learning new facts and concepts.  We will, however, continue with classes, but my main focus will be on revision of various subjects and concepts.  Third graders, practice makes perfect, right?  So this will be a great week for practice.

Curriculum Planning for Week 16:

Math:  We will finish Chapter 20, Decimals, by the end of Week 16.  Revision of previous concepts will also be done.
Reading:  We will read and do activities based on our second selection, Poppa’s New Pants.
English:  A lot of revision of Grammar will be done in Week 16.  We will also work on our Puppet Show. 
Social Studies:  We will start with Chapter 11, Working in Our Communities

Spelling Words for Week 16:
(Third Grade level words… Third Graders, use your spelling rules!  J )
jump rope
junk food

Congratulations to Tom Lu!  Tom is a very talented ice skater and he took part in a figure skating competition on Sunday, May 26th.  He came first!  It is great to have an upcoming star in our class!  J

Our Student of the Week is Jung Min Yoo.  Jung Min is working very hard and trying her very best.  She is reaching the 100 score invariably!  Congratulations, Jung Min!  You are a star!

Have a restful weekend, everyone!  Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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