Wednesday 1 May 2013

Field Trip 2013 ~ Flying Cow Ranch

Dear Parents and Students,

What a short but SUPER FUN week we have had!  What an excellent Field Trip!  This was definitely another memorable one.  We had a lot of fun at the Flying Cow Ranch and we also did not let the weather stop us from enjoying ourselves.  Please take a look at our Field Trip photos (I will post a slideshow at a later stage, I am experiencing problems with a program on my computer.  My sincere apologies):

On Friday, May 10th, the local Fire Department will be visiting us.  They will be coming to teach us about water safety.  We will have an assembly at 2.20pm on Friday, May 10th

Curriculum Planning for Week 12:
Math:  We will start with Chapter 18 and learn about fractions and fraction concepts.
Science:  We will start with Chapter 14, Heat, Temperature, and Light
Social Studies:  We haven’t gotten to finish Chapter 9 and will be looking more at Our American Culture.
English:  We will finish Unit 9, Writing Instructions. 
Reading:  We will finish activities based on Trapped by the Ice and then have a look at Fairy Tales.

Spelling Words for Week 12:
7 Core Subject Words:
electric circuit
electric current
thermal energy
7 Frequent Used Words:
2 Challenging Words:

I believe everyone will enjoy the well-deserved Mid-Semester Break!  See you all back at school on Monday, May 6th.  Third Graders, remember to READ, READ, READ!  Have fun, take a rest, and stay healthy!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous  

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