Thursday 16 May 2013

The End of IOWA 2013

Dear Parents and Students,

What a tiring week it has been for all the third graders, but they stayed positive and motivated throughout the tough week of writing IOWA tests every day.  Well done to all of you!  You can feel proud of yourselves!

Next Friday, May 24th, is a very exciting day for all the Kindergarten and Sixth Grade students.  It is the day of their graduation ceremony.  Congratulations to all the kindergarten students, the sixth graders, and their families.  It is a huge milestone reached.

On Monday, May 27th, there will be no school for all the elementary students.  Third graders take a good rest on this day.  All teachers will still be at school on May 27th, as it is our scheduled professional development day.  The next day, May 28th, will be our annual Art Exhibition.  This year we will hold the exhibition in the library of HIS.  Students, bring your families and friends to come and enjoy all the artwork.  I promise all of you that you will be surprised by the talents!

Our Elementary Musical, Matilda, will be performed on June 6th and 7th.  The curtains will open at 6.30pm.  All families and friends are invited.  Make sure to book your tickets at the Elementary office of HIS.  It will be the performance of the year!!! 

We celebrated Kitty Tseng's birthday on Wednesday, May 15th.  Kitty treated us with a very delicious cake.  Kitty, we wish you lots and lots of happiness, great health, and excellent scores! 

Curriculum Planning for Week 13
Math:  We will complete and review Chapter 18, Fraction Concepts.  We will then move on to Chapter 19, Work with Fractions
English:  We will start with Unit 10, Research Report
Reading:  In Week 13 we are going to start with our final theme, theme 6, Smart Solutions.  Our first selection is titled Pepita Talks Twice.
Science:  We will be focusing on Chapter 15, Force and Motion, which is our final chapter.  We will also write a test on Chapters 13 and 14 on May 24th.  The test on Chapter 15 is scheduled for June 3rd.
Social Studies:  We will continue with Unit 5 and do activities based on Chapter 9 in our workbooks.

Spelling Words for Week 13:
7 Core Subject Words:
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

Test Dates:
Science Test:  Friday, May 24th (Chapters 13 & 14)
Math Test:  Tuesday, May 28th (Chapters 18 & 19)
Social Studies Test:  Friday, May 31st (Unit 5)
Science Test:  Monday, June 3rd (Chapter 15)

Our Student of the Week is Wilson Tang.  Wilson is a very friendly boy and a good friend, not only to his classmates, but also to students from other grades.  Congratulations, Wilson!  You are a star!

Have a relaxing weekend, everyone!
Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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