Friday 24 May 2013

Congratulations to all the Graduates!

Dear Parents and Students,

First of all, congratulations to all the students and their families who are graduating today.  What a great milestone for each kindergarten and sixth grade student!  We are all very proud of you.

On Monday, May 27th, there will no school for students.  All the elementary teachers will be at school, busy with their professional development.  On May 28th is our annual Art Exhibition.  Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy our students’ talents.  It will be held in the library of HIS.

Everyone, don’t forgot to reserve your tickets for Matilda.  It is going to be the show of the year!  The Drama Club students are working very hard and have put in hours and hours of work.  You are very welcome to invite neighbors, friends, and family members.  Matilda will take place on Thursday, June 6th and Friday, June 7th.  On both evenings the curtains will open at 6.30pm.

Curriculum Planning for Week 15:
Math:  We will write a test on Chapters 18 & 19 on Tuesday, May 28th.  We will start with Chapter 20, which is all on decimals.
Science:  We will finish Chapter 15, Force and Motion.
Social Studies:  We will write a test on Chapters 9 & 10 on Friday, May 31st.  We will start with Chapter 11 in Week 16.
English:  We will continue working on our Puppet Show.  The Puppet Show is scheduled for May 13th.  We will also look at Unit 10, Writing a Research Report.
Reading:  We will continue with activities based on Pepita Talks Twice.

Spelling Words for Week 15:
7 Core Subject Words:
simple machine
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:
cultural identity

Our Student of the Week is Yvette Coort.  Yvette is an excellent member of the group and a very good helper!  She is also working very hard.  Congratulations, Yvette!  You are a star!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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