Thursday 9 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Dear Parents and Students,

Another week has flown past!  Time is just going too fast!

Next week is IOWA Test Week.  Students, no homework will be assigned during this week.  You can sit and relax with a book every day and read, read, read!  J Please make sure that you have a good night’s rest every night and eat a proper breakfast before school every day.  Also pack a healthy snack for each day and arrive at school on time. 

No Spelling Test, or any other tests, will take place during the IOWA assessment week.  Specialty classes will continue as usual.

Sunday, May 12th, is Mother’s Day.  Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms!  Thank you for all the love and support you are giving your children.  Those are two of the most important things a child needs.  Mothers, I hope you can sit back, with your feet up, and get well spoiled.

Our Elementary musical production, Matilda, will take place on June 6th and 7th.  Watch this space for more information, but please mark these dates in your diaries.  I can promise you all that this will be an unforgettable show!  One of high standards!  All the students and teachers have been working really hard.  Three third graders are also part of the production!  Come and enjoy the show with us all.  Bring your neighbors, family members and friends along! 

It was Richard Tsai’s birthday on May 8th.  It was great fun to celebrate with him.  Thank you, Richard, for the delicious pizza and cake.  What a treat you gave the third graders!  Richard, may the year to come be filled with great health and endless happiness.  Happy birthday!!!

Our Student of the Week is Michael Wang.  Michael is an excellent member of the group and is always cooperating well with his team members.  He doesn’t mind to do something extra for his team!  Congratulations, Michael!  You are a star!

Have a very relaxing weekend, everyone!
Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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