Thursday 30 May 2013

They Never Stop Working Hard

Dear Parents and Students,

What a great week it has been in the third grade class!  It has been a shorter week than usual for students, but all the third graders have been working very hard.  We also enjoyed our art exhibition.  I cannot believe it is over.  The year is getting to a close far too fast!

Next week is a very exciting week for all of us.  It is the Matilda week!  All drama club members will rehearse the whole of Tuesday and Wednesday. They need to be at the theater from 8.00pm until 5.00pm on both those days.  Matilda will be performed on Thursday, June 6th, and Friday, June 7th.  The curtains will open at 6.30pm. 

Not a lot of new work will be covered in classes next week.  We don’t want the Matilda cast to miss out on learning new facts and concepts.  We will, however, continue with classes, but my main focus will be on revision of various subjects and concepts.  Third graders, practice makes perfect, right?  So this will be a great week for practice.

Curriculum Planning for Week 16:

Math:  We will finish Chapter 20, Decimals, by the end of Week 16.  Revision of previous concepts will also be done.
Reading:  We will read and do activities based on our second selection, Poppa’s New Pants.
English:  A lot of revision of Grammar will be done in Week 16.  We will also work on our Puppet Show. 
Social Studies:  We will start with Chapter 11, Working in Our Communities

Spelling Words for Week 16:
(Third Grade level words… Third Graders, use your spelling rules!  J )
jump rope
junk food

Congratulations to Tom Lu!  Tom is a very talented ice skater and he took part in a figure skating competition on Sunday, May 26th.  He came first!  It is great to have an upcoming star in our class!  J

Our Student of the Week is Jung Min Yoo.  Jung Min is working very hard and trying her very best.  She is reaching the 100 score invariably!  Congratulations, Jung Min!  You are a star!

Have a restful weekend, everyone!  Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

Homework 5/30

Social Studies:  TEST (Chapters 9 & 10)
Spelling:  Parents, please sign the test.  Students, do corrections.  

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Homework 5/29

Math:  4 pages
Spelling:  Test
Handwriting:  p. 48

Homework 5/28

Math:  Parents, please sign the test.  Students, do your corrections.
Spelling:  Write 4 sentences.
Reading:  p. 17 2 - 179 (Reading Practice Book)

Friday 24 May 2013

Congratulations to all the Graduates!

Dear Parents and Students,

First of all, congratulations to all the students and their families who are graduating today.  What a great milestone for each kindergarten and sixth grade student!  We are all very proud of you.

On Monday, May 27th, there will no school for students.  All the elementary teachers will be at school, busy with their professional development.  On May 28th is our annual Art Exhibition.  Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy our students’ talents.  It will be held in the library of HIS.

Everyone, don’t forgot to reserve your tickets for Matilda.  It is going to be the show of the year!  The Drama Club students are working very hard and have put in hours and hours of work.  You are very welcome to invite neighbors, friends, and family members.  Matilda will take place on Thursday, June 6th and Friday, June 7th.  On both evenings the curtains will open at 6.30pm.

Curriculum Planning for Week 15:
Math:  We will write a test on Chapters 18 & 19 on Tuesday, May 28th.  We will start with Chapter 20, which is all on decimals.
Science:  We will finish Chapter 15, Force and Motion.
Social Studies:  We will write a test on Chapters 9 & 10 on Friday, May 31st.  We will start with Chapter 11 in Week 16.
English:  We will continue working on our Puppet Show.  The Puppet Show is scheduled for May 13th.  We will also look at Unit 10, Writing a Research Report.
Reading:  We will continue with activities based on Pepita Talks Twice.

Spelling Words for Week 15:
7 Core Subject Words:
simple machine
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:
cultural identity

Our Student of the Week is Yvette Coort.  Yvette is an excellent member of the group and a very good helper!  She is also working very hard.  Congratulations, Yvette!  You are a star!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

Thursday 23 May 2013

Homework 5/23

Science:  TEST (Chapters 13 & 14)
Social Studies:  p. 101
English:  bring special art supplies for Puppet Show to school
Spelling:  Parents, please sign the test.  Students, do corrections.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Homework 5/22

Reading:  p. 156 - 158; p. 160 - 161
Spelling:  Test
Science:  Review Chapter 13

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Homework 5/21

Math:  2 pages
Social Studies:  p. 91 - 93 (Workbook); Read Chapter 9 in Textbook

Monday 20 May 2013

Homework 5/20

Math:  3 pages
English:  p. 41
Spelling:  write 4 sentences

Thursday 16 May 2013

The End of IOWA 2013

Dear Parents and Students,

What a tiring week it has been for all the third graders, but they stayed positive and motivated throughout the tough week of writing IOWA tests every day.  Well done to all of you!  You can feel proud of yourselves!

Next Friday, May 24th, is a very exciting day for all the Kindergarten and Sixth Grade students.  It is the day of their graduation ceremony.  Congratulations to all the kindergarten students, the sixth graders, and their families.  It is a huge milestone reached.

On Monday, May 27th, there will be no school for all the elementary students.  Third graders take a good rest on this day.  All teachers will still be at school on May 27th, as it is our scheduled professional development day.  The next day, May 28th, will be our annual Art Exhibition.  This year we will hold the exhibition in the library of HIS.  Students, bring your families and friends to come and enjoy all the artwork.  I promise all of you that you will be surprised by the talents!

Our Elementary Musical, Matilda, will be performed on June 6th and 7th.  The curtains will open at 6.30pm.  All families and friends are invited.  Make sure to book your tickets at the Elementary office of HIS.  It will be the performance of the year!!! 

We celebrated Kitty Tseng's birthday on Wednesday, May 15th.  Kitty treated us with a very delicious cake.  Kitty, we wish you lots and lots of happiness, great health, and excellent scores! 

Curriculum Planning for Week 13
Math:  We will complete and review Chapter 18, Fraction Concepts.  We will then move on to Chapter 19, Work with Fractions
English:  We will start with Unit 10, Research Report
Reading:  In Week 13 we are going to start with our final theme, theme 6, Smart Solutions.  Our first selection is titled Pepita Talks Twice.
Science:  We will be focusing on Chapter 15, Force and Motion, which is our final chapter.  We will also write a test on Chapters 13 and 14 on May 24th.  The test on Chapter 15 is scheduled for June 3rd.
Social Studies:  We will continue with Unit 5 and do activities based on Chapter 9 in our workbooks.

Spelling Words for Week 13:
7 Core Subject Words:
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

Test Dates:
Science Test:  Friday, May 24th (Chapters 13 & 14)
Math Test:  Tuesday, May 28th (Chapters 18 & 19)
Social Studies Test:  Friday, May 31st (Unit 5)
Science Test:  Monday, June 3rd (Chapter 15)

Our Student of the Week is Wilson Tang.  Wilson is a very friendly boy and a good friend, not only to his classmates, but also to students from other grades.  Congratulations, Wilson!  You are a star!

Have a relaxing weekend, everyone!
Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

Thursday 9 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Dear Parents and Students,

Another week has flown past!  Time is just going too fast!

Next week is IOWA Test Week.  Students, no homework will be assigned during this week.  You can sit and relax with a book every day and read, read, read!  J Please make sure that you have a good night’s rest every night and eat a proper breakfast before school every day.  Also pack a healthy snack for each day and arrive at school on time. 

No Spelling Test, or any other tests, will take place during the IOWA assessment week.  Specialty classes will continue as usual.

Sunday, May 12th, is Mother’s Day.  Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms!  Thank you for all the love and support you are giving your children.  Those are two of the most important things a child needs.  Mothers, I hope you can sit back, with your feet up, and get well spoiled.

Our Elementary musical production, Matilda, will take place on June 6th and 7th.  Watch this space for more information, but please mark these dates in your diaries.  I can promise you all that this will be an unforgettable show!  One of high standards!  All the students and teachers have been working really hard.  Three third graders are also part of the production!  Come and enjoy the show with us all.  Bring your neighbors, family members and friends along! 

It was Richard Tsai’s birthday on May 8th.  It was great fun to celebrate with him.  Thank you, Richard, for the delicious pizza and cake.  What a treat you gave the third graders!  Richard, may the year to come be filled with great health and endless happiness.  Happy birthday!!!

Our Student of the Week is Michael Wang.  Michael is an excellent member of the group and is always cooperating well with his team members.  He doesn’t mind to do something extra for his team!  Congratulations, Michael!  You are a star!

Have a very relaxing weekend, everyone!
Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Homework 5/8

Math:  5 pages
Reading:  read for 30 minutes (any English book)

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Homework 5/7

Math:  3 pages
English:  p. 35 - 37
Spelling:  write 4 sentences

Monday 6 May 2013

Homework 5/6

Math:  3 pages (Chapter 18, Lesson 1)
Reading:  Read Yeh-Shen (Reading Textbook)
               Do p. 123 - 125 and p. 134 in your Reading Practice book

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Field Trip 2013 ~ Flying Cow Ranch

Dear Parents and Students,

What a short but SUPER FUN week we have had!  What an excellent Field Trip!  This was definitely another memorable one.  We had a lot of fun at the Flying Cow Ranch and we also did not let the weather stop us from enjoying ourselves.  Please take a look at our Field Trip photos (I will post a slideshow at a later stage, I am experiencing problems with a program on my computer.  My sincere apologies):

On Friday, May 10th, the local Fire Department will be visiting us.  They will be coming to teach us about water safety.  We will have an assembly at 2.20pm on Friday, May 10th

Curriculum Planning for Week 12:
Math:  We will start with Chapter 18 and learn about fractions and fraction concepts.
Science:  We will start with Chapter 14, Heat, Temperature, and Light
Social Studies:  We haven’t gotten to finish Chapter 9 and will be looking more at Our American Culture.
English:  We will finish Unit 9, Writing Instructions. 
Reading:  We will finish activities based on Trapped by the Ice and then have a look at Fairy Tales.

Spelling Words for Week 12:
7 Core Subject Words:
electric circuit
electric current
thermal energy
7 Frequent Used Words:
2 Challenging Words:

I believe everyone will enjoy the well-deserved Mid-Semester Break!  See you all back at school on Monday, May 6th.  Third Graders, remember to READ, READ, READ!  Have fun, take a rest, and stay healthy!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous