Thursday 11 October 2012

Short but Sweet

Dear Parents and Students,

It has been a shorter week than normal due to Double Ten Day on Wednesday, so this week absolutely flew by!

Students, please have a look at “Helpful Websites” on our blog.  There are links that will take you to websites where you can play fun educational games.  Have fun with them!  Practice those skills while you are having fun!  And keep in mind, Practice makes perfect!!!

Congratulations once again to Wilson Tang for his great achievement in a national Spelling Bee contest.  He won the trophy for the best student in all of Northern Taiwan.

Curriculum Planning for Week 8:
Math:  We will continue with Chapter 5, Addition.
English:  We will complete and review Unit 3, Verbs.
Reading:  In Week 8 we will focus on activities based on The Keeping Quilt
Science:  We will complete and review Chapter 4, Survival of Living Things.
Social Studies:  We will continue and complete Chapter 3, Our Physical Geography.

Spelling Words for Week 8:

7 Core Subject Words:
go – went – gone
see – saw – seen
do – did – done
give – gave - given
write – wrote – written
eat – ate – eaten
grow – grew - grown
7 Frequent Used Words:
thank you
1 Challenging Word:

Homework 10/12
Math:  2 pages (Homework 5.1; Problem-Solving 5.1)
Reading:  p. 83 - 85; p. 87 - 89 ; Read a much as possible! 

It was Adrien Chabanne’s birthday on Thursday, October 11th.  Happy birthday, Adrien!  We wish you all the best and may the year to come be filled with excellent health and endless happiness.  Thank you for treating us with delicious pizza on your birthday! 

Our Student of the Week is Michael Wang.  Michael is always working with much care, precision and extreme neatness.  Congratulations, Michael!  You are a star!!!

Have a splendid weekend, everyone!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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