Tuesday 30 October 2012

Halloween 2012 (1)

Dear Parents and Students,

First of all THANK YOU for an unforgettable Fancy Dress Day 2012.  We had LOADS of fun!  Students, you all looked GREAT in your costumes!  Thank you for your participation, enthusiasm and a great performance.  What a memorable day!

A reminder to all parents:  Our Parent/Teacher Meeting dates are November 6th and 7th.  Thank you for your cooperation in sending back the forms and arranging time-slots.  I am looking forward meeting with you again. 

Here are some dates to take note of:
November 8th:  Science Presentation Day (We will start at 9.00pm.  Parents, you are very welcome to join us.)
November 14th:  Fun Day
November 22nd:  Thanksgiving Lunch
November 28th:  Field Trip to Taipei Zoo

Curriculum Planning for Week 11:
Math:  We will start with Chapter 6.  We will learn about graphs and how to analyze data.
English:  We will start with Unit 4, Adjectives and Adverbs and we will first look at what adjectives are and how we use them.
Reading:  In week 11 we will read our third selection in Theme 2 called The Talking Cloth.  We will also do activities based on this story.
Science:  In Week 11 we will focus on our Science Presentation and start with Unit D in Week 12.
Social Studies:  We will wrap up Chapter 3 and then move on to Chapter 4, Our Human Geography.

Spelling Words for Week 11:
7 Core Subject Words:
natural disaster
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:
nonrenewable resources

Students, enjoy the Mid-semester Break!  Do not forget to practice your speech for the Science Presentation.  Get those cue cards ready and learn your speech well.  It will soon be time to speak to the public!!!

Enjoy the break!!!!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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