Friday 26 October 2012

Busy as Bees

Dear Parents and Students,

Another week has flown by!  We were having lots of fun and the third graders are all doing very well. 

Next week is going to be a super fun week.  On Wednesday, October 31st, is our annual Fancy Dress Day.  It is a very exciting event for all of us.  Well, my costume is ready to be worn.  I cannot wait!  Parents, you are very welcome to come and join us.  All the classes will be gathered on the basketball court at 9.20am to entertain everyone with our songs. 

Thank you to all parents for sending back the completed schedule for the Parent/Teacher Evenings, which will take place on November 6th and 7th.  A confirmation note went home with the date and time as preferred or agreed upon.  Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.  I am looking forward meeting with you again. 

Next week, Thursday and Friday (November 1st and 2nd), is our Mid-semester Break.  Students, that means no school!  Because we have a short week next week, and with Fancy Dress Day, we will not be learning any new spelling words or write a spelling test.  We will, however, write a Science Test on Tuesday, October 30th, on Chapters 4 and 5. 

On November 14th we will have our HIS Fun Day.  That will be more excitement to look forward to.  More information on this event will be posted later.  So watch this space! J

Curriculum Planning for Week 10:
Math:  we will do additional practice on skills we have learned up till now.  We will start with Unit 3, Data and Probability, in Week 11, after the Mid-semester Break.
English:  In English we will do extra practice on Verbs.  We will start with Unit 4, Adjectives and Adverbs, in Week 11.
Reading:  We will do activities based on the selection we have read this week, Grandma’s Records. 
Science:  Next Week is our Science Test on Chapters 4 & 5.  In Week 11 we will start with Unit D, The Earth in Space. 
Social Studies:  We will continue with Chapter 4 in Week 10 and also Week 11.

Our Student of the Week is Ashley Breinholt.  Ashley has a fantastic attitude and is always participating with great enthusiasm, no matter what the activity.  Congratulations, Ashley!  You are a star!

We also gave a Caring Kid Award to a student from each grade at the monthly assembly.  Adrien Chabanne got voted the most caring student in third grade.  Congratulations, Adrien!  Thank you for being so caring and looking out for your friends.

Have a great weekend, everyone!  And get those costumes ready!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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