Thursday 4 October 2012

A FUN Awareness Week

Dear Parents and Students,

What a fun Awareness Week 2012 we have had!  We have learned, grown as persons, and played a lot and our class is a Bully-Free-Zone!  We have shared and cooperated a lot with our NEW buddies, the Sixth Graders.   Our main project is called Put Your Foot Down Against Bullying.  Here are some pictures and a movie clip that were taken during the week:

Parents, last week I posted some links on bullying which might be helpful to you as parents.  Here are some other links which you might also find helpful: 

Students, here are also some links for you.  There are games, questionnaires and webisodes to watch on these links.  Have fun and get wise on bullying:

Curriculum Planning for Week 7:
Math:  We will finish Chapter 4 and move on to Chapter 5, Subtract Whole Numbers
Science:  We will start with Chapter 4.  This chapter is about the survival of living things.
Social Studies:  In Week 7 we will look at Chapter 3.  Chapter 3 is about the physical geography of a region. 
English:  We are studying Verbs and in Week 7 we will continue with this unit. 
Reading:  We are going to move to our second theme, Celebrating Traditions.  Our first selection’s title is The Keeping Quilt

We are working hard on our Science Presentation and learning a lot about endangered species.  Parents and Students, remember that the big day is November 8th.  Grandparents and neighbors are also welcome J.

Spelling Words for Week 7:
7 Core Subject Words:
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:
prime meridian

Our Student of the Week is Victoria Lee.  She is a very caring and cooperative student and she is always sharing with everyone around her.  Congratulations, Victoria!  You are a star!
Have a great weekend, everyone!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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