Thursday 18 October 2012

Productivity & Fun

Dear Parents and Students,

It has been a very productive week.  We have also been working hard on our Science presentations.  Please remember that the date of the presentations is November 8th.

Fancy Dress Day will take place on October 31st.  Students, start getting those costumes ready.  A fun day is awaiting us!  Our parade will start at 9.00am and by 9.20 we will perform some songs at the basketball court.  Parents, you are very welcome to come and join in the fun. 

Our Mid-Semester Break is on November 1st and 2nd (Thursday and Friday). 

Parents, Parents/Teacher Evenings are scheduled on November 6th and 7th.  Please make a note in your diaries.  More information will follow. 

Our monthly assembly will take place on October 26th, at 2.20, in our library at HIS.  Parents, you are more than welcome to come and join us. 

Test Dates:
English:  Tuesday, October 23rd (Unit 3:  Verbs)
Math:  Friday, October 26th (Chapters 4 & 5)
Science:  Tuesday, October 30th (Chapters 4 & 5)
(Social Studies Test will be scheduled after the Mid-Semester Break)

Curriculum Planning for Week 9:
Math:  We will complete and review Chapter 5. 
English:  We will review Unit 3 and do additional practice on this unit.
Science:  In Week 9 we will study Chapter 5, which is all about food chains.  We will also work on our Science Presentations.
Social Studies:  We will complete Chapter 3 and move on to Chapter 4, Our Human Geography.
Reading:  We will read our second selection of Theme 2, Grandma’s Records.

Spelling Words for Week 9:
7 Core Subject Words:
food chain
aquatic habitat
7 Frequent Used Words:
desert (habitat; ecosystem)
dessert (something you eat)
1 Challenging Word:
terrestrial habitat

Homework 10/19:
Math:  2 pages (Homework 5.6 & Problem-Solving 5.6)
Spelling:  Parents, please sign the test?  Students, please do corrections?
English:  p.  29 & 30; Review Unit 3 (Verbs)

Our Student of the Week is Ee Heng Kok.  Ee Heng is our class president and he is doing a very good job.  He is a good leader and very responsible.  Congratulations, Ee Heng!  You are a star!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!  Enjoy the cool weather!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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