Thursday 7 March 2013

Where is the Time Going?!?

Dear Parents and Students,

Another week has flown by!  I don’t know where the time is going!  What I do know if that the third graders are growing up fast!

Students,  next week is SPIRIT WEEK!!!!  So please dress up according to the daily themes, to contribute to the great spirit that is already established among us all at school.  The daily theme are as follow:
Monday, March 11thCrazy Hair
Tuesday, March 12thBeach Day
Wednesday, March 13thGrade Color Day (Third Graders, please dress in RED!)
Thursday, March 14thFake Injury Day
Friday, March 15thGreen Day/St. Patrick’s Celebration Day

On Wednesday, March 13th, we will run races.  We would like to start at 1.10pm and will finish our races at 2.00pm.  We will also support and cheer for the other grades afterwards.  The teachers will also have a team and run against the sixth graders.  Who do you think will win?!?!?  J  Students, remember your running shoes, water bottle and a cap, and of course add anything red to your outfit!

Our Music Scavenger Hunt is also getting closer.  We will compete against the fourth graders on Wednesday, March 20th.  Students, review all those facts and listen to those songs.  Have a look at Ms. Faye’s Music blog and review.  We can win!!!

Curriculum Planning for Week 5:
Math:  We will continue with, complete and review Chapter 13.
English:  We will start focusing on writing and will start off with learning how to write a personal narrative.
Reading:  We have read our second selection, Seal Surfer.  We will do activities based on this story.
Science:  We will move on to Chapter 12 and learn about mixtures.
Social Studies:  We will continue with Chapter 7, Citizenship

Spelling Words for Week 5:
7 Core Subject Words:
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:
government service

Our Student of the Week is Adrien Chabanne.  Adrien is giving 100% in all he does.  He is actively involved in all classes and is always enthusiastic and trying his best.  Well done, Adrien!  You are a star!!!

Have a great weekend, everyone! 

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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