Friday 29 March 2013

Happy EASTER 2013

Dear Parents and Students,

Happy Easter to you all! 

We decorated Easter Eggs this week with our Reading Buddies, the Pre-K students.  It was such a joyful and creative event!  We also had our Easter Egg Hunt today.  What fun that was!  Have a look…

Spring Break is here!  I cannot believe the year is going this fast! 
Students, remember about the reading assignment on biographies that needs to be done when you return from Spring Break on Monday, April 8th

Parents, also a friendly reminder about our Parent/Teacher meetings on April 9th and 10th.  If you are not capable of attending the arranged meeting, please inform the office as soon as possible or you can send me an email.  I am looking forward to meeting with you again. 

Students, so much fun is waiting for us during the last term of the year.  On Wednesday, April 17th, we will have our annual Pottery Day.  Letters have been sent home this week regarding our Pottery Day.  Parents, please send the money to school in an envelope with your child’s name and grade on it by Tuesday, April 9th

Students, keep working on those Science Fair Projects.  April 24th is getting closer.  Remember all the things we spoke about in class and do your best.  Come and show the other grades what you have learnt and experienced. 

Remember that Earth Hour is taking place on Saturday, March 30th.  Switch off all lights from 8.30pm – 9.30pm.  Let us all work together to help conserve our planet!

Everyone did a very good job with their Oral Presentations.  Well done, Third Graders.  What a great performance!  As soon as we have all the video recordings in the correct format I will post the television interviews on our blog. 

It was Dahyun Joo's birthday on Monday, March 25th.  We had so much fun and she treated us with a pizza party and a very delicious cake.  Thank you very much, Dahyun!  Happy birthday!

Curriculum Planning for Week 8 (April 8th – 12th):
Math:  We will continue with Chapter 15, Plane and Solid Figures
Science:  We will start with Unit F, Energy and Change.  Chapter 13 is all about Energy.  (Test on Chapters 11 and 12 is scheduled for Friday, April 12th)
Social Studies:  We will finish up and review Chapter 8.  We will get tested on Unit 4 (Chapters 7 & 8) on Tuesday, April 16th
English:  We will continue and finish Unit 8, Writing a Story
Reading:  We will start our fifth theme, Voyagers.  Our first selection’s title is Across the Wide Dark Sea.

Spelling Words for Week 8:
7 Core Subject Words:
isosceles triangle
scalene triangle
equilateral triangle
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

Our Student of the Week is Ee Heng Kok.  Ee Heng is very helpful and a great friend and always makes sure that everyone is included in a game.  Congratulations, Ee Heng!  You are a star!

Students, enjoy the Spring Break.  Have fun!!!  And remember:  read, read, read!  I see you back at school on Monday, April 8th.

Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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