Thursday 21 March 2013

We WON!!!

Dear Parents and Students,

Let me start with the great news:  WE WON the Music Scavenger Hunt!!!  The Third Graders were champions!  The fourth graders were great, too, and strong competition.  Congratulations, Third Grade!  You made me VERY proud!!!

We are sad to say farewell to Ayane Kono.  Ayane is returning to Japan and we wish her all the best for a bright future.  We will miss her a lot!  Take care, Ayane!  Come and visit us soon!?

There are a test and oral presentation coming up next week.  Math Test will be on Monday, March 25th.  The Oral Presentation is scheduled for Thursday, March 28th.  Mr. Harris will come and record the oral presentations and I will post it on our blog.  That way we can make sure that your family members can all watch your interviews!  J

Students, I know it seems like a very busy week next week.  The good news is that after the week it is Spring Break.  School will start again on Monday, April 8th.    There is more good news!  Before the break we will have our annual Easter Egg Hunt!   The Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for Friday, March 29th

Our next assembly is on Friday, March 29th.  Parents, you are welcome to come and join us.  It is always a joy to have visitors.

Letters regarding our Field Trip on May 1st to the Flying Cow Ranch have been sent home.  More detail will follow as soon as possible.  We had to get all the numbers first to be able to book the buses and work out the transportation costs. 

Curriculum Planning for Week 7:
Math:  We will start with Chapter 15 in Week 7.  We will learn about plane and solid figures.
English:  We will continue with Unit 8 and learn how to write good stories.
Reading:  We will focus on biographies of four world famous people.  Students will get a worksheet to complete over the Spring Break.  Students, this worksheet will be handed out on Monday, March 25th, and you would be able to complete it before the break if needed.
Science:  We will continue and finish with Chapter 12. 
Social Studies:  We will finish Chapter 8, Government

Spelling Words for Week 7:
7 Core Subject Words:
parallel lines
intersecting lines
right angle
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:
perpendicular lines

Our Student of the Week is Aoi Fujimoto.  Aoi is putting in a lot of effort into activities and is a great team member.  He was participating with great enthusiasm during the Music Scavenger Hunt.  Congratulations, Aoi!  You are a star!!!
Have a great weekend, everyone!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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