Thursday 14 March 2013

Spirit Week 2013

Dear Parents and Students,

What a cheerful, fun week we had dressing up every day!   Every morning I waited with excitement and in anticipation to see what the third graders were wearing.   There is definitely a lot of spirit in the third grade class.  Not only were the costumes very creative, the third graders are an enthusiastic bunch! 
Here is a glimpse of their creativity for Spirit Week:

We had a lot of fun on Wednesday, at the Track Day.  The weather was beautiful and we looked great in all our red gear.  Students, thank you for all the positive attitudes and for behaving like stars!
For those of you who couldn’t make it, here is a look at Track Day:

Our Music Scavenger Hunt is going to take place on Wednesday, March 20th.  Students, review all the songs and the Music facts.  We are going to compete against Fourth Grade.  Let’s show them what we can do! 

Students, keep working on those Science Fair projects.  April 24th is getting closer.  You have received your last worksheet this week.  Once this worksheet is completed you may start on the display boards.  Remember all the things we spoke about in class.  If you have any questions, don’t feel hesitant to come and ask me.

Curriculum Planning for Week 6:
Math:  We will get tested on Chapter 13 and continue with Chapter 14, Metric Measurement.
English:  We will complete Unit 7, Writing a Personal Narrative, and then move on to Unit 8, Writing a Story.
Reading:  We will continue and complete activities based on our third selection, A Day in May.
Social Studies:  We will review Chapter 7, Citizenship, and start with Chapter 8, Government.
Science:  We will only start with Chapter 12 in Week 6 and learn about mixtures. 

Spelling Words for Week 6:
7 Core Subject Words:
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging word:

Our Student of the Week is Dahyun Joo.  She is new to our class and has great spirit.  She is doing a great job in our class.  Congratulations, Dahyun!  You are a star!

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