Thursday 31 January 2013

Time Flies when You are having Fun!

Dear Parents and Students,

The first semester came to an end on January 31st.  We are already in the second semester.  Time is flying!  Well, time flies when you’re having fun, right!?

All students got their report cards for the second term of the school year.  I believe that all third graders can feel proud of themselves for improving and learning well.

Next week is HIS’s Chinese Week and we will replace a few of the ordinary classes with fun activities regarding Chinese New Year.   During ESL and Chinese classes students will also have exciting activities with their Chinese teachers.    Next week we will also finish current chapters in Core Curriculum subjects that we are busy with.  We will start with new chapters and units after the Chinese New Year break.  (School will start again on February 18th, 2013.)

Students, remember to dress in red on Wednesday, February 6th.  On Friday, February 8th, is our Chopsticks Day.  Please remember to bring your chopsticks to school.  

Students, together with all the fun that lies ahead next week, remember about the Math Test on Thursday, February 7th, and the Social Studies Test on Friday, February 8th

Curriculum Planning for Week 1 (Semester 2):
Math:  We will finish and review Chapter 11.
English:  We will finish Unit 6.  (After the break we will do revision and some extra activities based on Pronouns.  We will also get tested on Pronouns after the break)
Reading:  We will finish Theme 3.  Although we might not get to do all activities based on these stories, we will read and discuss them together as a class. 
Social Studies:  We will review Chapters 5 and 6. 
Science:  We will start with Unit E after Chinese New Year. 

Homework 2/1:
Math:  2 pages
Handwriting:  Unit 11
Social Studies:  Read Chapters 5 & 6 
Spelling:  Parents, please sign the test.  Students, do corrections, please.

There will be no new spelling words next week due to the fact that we are writing two tests on consecutive days.  We will have a FUN Spelling Bee in the class, focusing on the revision of words we have already studied. 

It is Ashley Breinholt’s birthday on Sunday, February 3rd.  Happy birthday, Ashley!  Have a splendid day!  And may the year to come be filled with joy, great health, and lots of laughter.  Thank you, Ashley, for treating us with the super delicious Bruce Bogtrotter cake!  

Our Student of the Week is Yvette Coort.  Yvette has shown a lot of improvement.  She is approaching tasks with enthusiasm and great effort.  Well done, Yvette.  You are a star!!!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!  Enjoy the warmer weather and stay safe!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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