Sunday 20 January 2013

Health and Safety Come First

Dear Parents and Students,

Our health and safety come first and therefore I would like to mention a few things.  I want to make sure that we all stay strong and healthy.  Students, bring an extra jacket and even a scarf to school.  Some days can be quite windy and chilly.  Also make sure you wash your hands regularly, especially before meals

The third graders got their partners for their Science Fair projects this week.  Students, now you can start thinking about something scientific that interests you.  Also, keep in mind that most of the project will be done outside of school, in your free time.  Choose something fun and interesting.  I would like you to have fun while learning!

Curriculum Planning for Week 20:
Math:  We will finish and review Chapter 10.  Then we will move on to Chapter 11 which is more on division facts and patterns.
English:  We will get tested on Unit 5, Capitalization and Punctuation.  The test is scheduled for Friday, January 25th
Social Studies:  We will complete Chapter 5 and review it.  We will then move on to Chapter 6, Our Country’s History.
Reading:  We read our second selection of Theme 3, The Mysterious Giant of Barletta, in Week 19.  In Week 20 we will do activities based on this story. 

Spelling Words for Week 20:
7 Core Subject Words
7 Frequent Used Words:
wolves (wolf)
scarves (scarf)
leaves (leaf)
1 Challenging Word:

Our Student of the Week is Ayane Kono.  Ayane is a very helpful and caring student and she has gone out of her way to help others and to make them feel happy.  Congratulations, Ayane!  You are a star!

Have a GREAT weekend, everyone!
Stay warm and healthy!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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