Thursday 10 January 2013

Happy 2013!

Dear Parents and Students,

Happy New Year!  And welcome back!  I believe that everyone had a relaxing break and enjoyed the festivities of Christmas and New Year.  It is great to have everyone safely back at school.  It has been a busy week back and the third graders worked very hard. 

Students, keep in mind that you have to start thinking about the upcoming Science Fair.  Although the date is scheduled for April 24th, remember that it is a big assignment and time flies by.   I will guide you step by step through the scientific method, which I would like all of you to follow during the Science Fair assignment. 

Curriculum Planning for Week 19:
Math:  We will start with Chapter 10, Division Concepts.  (A Math test, on Chapters 8 and 9, is scheduled for Monday, January 21st.)
English:  We will complete Unit 5, Capitalization and Punctuation.
Science:  We have completed Chapter 10 in Week 18.  We will write a test on this chapter on Thursday, January 17th .
Social Studies:  We will start with Chapter 5, Communities Over Time,  and learn about  our history through time and place.
Reading:  We will complete activities based on our first selection in Theme 3, Dogzilla.  We will then move on to our second selection, The Mysterious Giant of Barletta.

Spelling Words for Week 19:
(Abbreviations are part of Unit 5 in our English Curriculum.)
January            -           Jan.
February          -           Feb.
March             -           Mar.
April                -           Apr.
August             -           Aug.
September      -           Sept.
October           -           Oct.
November       -           Nov.
December       -           Dec.
Monday           -           Mon.
Tuesday           -           Tues.
Wednesday     -           Wed.
Thursday         -           Thurs.
Friday              -           Fri.
Saturday          -           Sat.
Sunday             -           Sun.
Mister             -           Mr.
Doctor             -           Dr.
Missus             -           Mrs.
Miss                 -           Ms.

It was Tom Lu’s birthday on January 10th.  He treated us with snack, cake and a huge spread for lunch.  Happy birthday, Tom!  May you have a wonderful year ahead and may it be filled with happiness, laughter, and good health.

On Monday, January 14th, our Third Grade Class will be a student richer.  Karin Okada will be joining our class.  We are very excited to get to know her and have her as part of our HIS family.  Welcome to HIS, Karin!

Our Student of the Week is Ashley Breinholt.  Ashley is a very enthusiastic student who is always participating with a lot of energy.  She has a great  sense of humor and she is always sharing and caring.  Congratulations, Ashley!  You are a star!

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!
Take care and stay warm!

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