Thursday 24 January 2013

A Great Week!

Dear Parents and Students,

We had another great week in the third grade class.  Some of us were down with a cold or flu, fortunately nothing serious, so I want to remind students again to wash their hands properly, eat healthy food, and bring an extra sweater and a scarf to school for the windy and cooler days. 

Chinese Week is coming up!  February 4th to February 8th is scheduled for this fun week.   Students will do fun activities with Ms. Tsai and Ms. Huang during their Chinese lessons.  Wednesday, February 6th, is our Dress in Red Day.  Students, please remember to wear red on this day.  Red is an important color in the Chinese culture.  On Friday, February 8th, we will all enjoy Chinese food for lunch.  Students, please remember to bring chopsticks to school, so we can eat our Chinese food with them. 

The school will be closed during the week of Chinese New Year, February 11th to February 15th.   Students, this is a time to spend with family and friends.  I can already feel the rising excitement. 

Students, have a look at .  It is a dictionary website.  The Challenge section is a vocabulary game and The Dictionary section is a very comprehensive online dictionary.  This is an excellent resource.  Students, also remember about the Useful Websites on our blog.  There are fun games and activities, which will help you to practice your skills while having fun. 

Curriculum Planning for Week 21:
Math:  We will continue with Chapter 11, Division Facts and Patterns.
English:  We will continue with Unit 6, Pronouns.
Social Studies:  In Week 21 we will start with Chapter 6, Our Country’s History.
Reading:  We will read our third selection of Theme 3, Raising Dragons, and do activities based on this story. 

Spelling Words for Week 21:
7 Core Subject Words
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

Test Dates:
Math Test:  Thursday, February 7th (Chapters 10 & 11)
Social Studies Test:  Friday, February 8th (Chapters 5 & 6)

Homework 1/25:
Math:  4 pages
Reading: p.218 -219; p.222-223
English:  sign test; correction

Our Student of the Week is Jungmin Yoo.  Jungmin is improving so much and is doing very well in all tests and assignments.  Congratulations, Jungmin!  You are a star!!!

Have a splendid weekend, everyone! 
Take care and stay healthy!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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