Thursday 18 April 2013

What a JOYFUL Week!

Dear Parents and Students,

We had such a joyful week.  It was Pottery Day on Wednesday and we all made BEAUTIFUL artifacts from clay.  It was a lot of fun.  Here is a glimpse:

On Wednesday, April 24th, is our Science Fair.  Students, bring your display boards, demonstrations, props, experiments, and/or cue cards to school on Tuesday, April 23rd.  We will have practice rounds in class on Tuesday and present our projects to each other in class.  This way we make sure that we will feel more relaxed on Wednesday, when we have to present our Science Fair projects to the rest of the school. 

Thank you, Parents and Students, for returning the Field Trip forms and sending the money to school so swiftly.  I am looking forward to May 1st!  Can’t wait to go to the Flying Cow Ranch!  It will be my first time!

Next week we will also have a practice round for the IOWA tests.  I want all students to feel at ease with the procedures and the format of the test.  Third Graders, remember the golden rule in class?  READ WELL!  If you read the questions and the answer options carefully you are halfway there!

Curriculum Planning for Week 10:
Math:  We will write a test on Chapters 15 and 16 on Monday, April 22nd.  We will continue with Chapter 17, Perimeter, Area, and Volume.
English:  We will continue with Unit 9 and learn more about how to write instructions.
Science:  We will continue with Chapter 13, Forms of Energy.  Our main focus will be the Science Fair in Week 10. 
Social Studies:  We will continue with Chapter 9, Our American Culture
Reading:  We will finish with activities based on Yunmi and Halmoni’s Trip and will the read our third selection in Theme 5, Trapped by the Ice.

Spelling Words for Week 10:
7 Core Subject Words:
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

Our Student of the Week is Rachel Jan.  Rachel is working very hard and did very well in Social Studies.  She is also invariably polite and a great group member during group work.  Congratulations, Rachel!  You are a star!
Have a LOVELY weekend, everyone!
Stay safe and healthy!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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