Thursday 25 April 2013

Excellent Performers!

Dear Parents and Students,

The Third Graders are super stars!  They HIGHLY impressed me with their Science Fair projects and presentations.  They have worked very hard.  Well done to each one of you!  Have a look at the pictures taken at the Science Fair and feel proud of yourselves:
Our Field Trip is getting closer!  On Tuesday, May 1st, we are going to go to Flying Cow Ranch!  Everyone, please arrive at school not later than 8.20am.  The buses will be leaving at 8.30am.  We will be back at school at 4.10pm.  A packed lunch will be provided to all students who usually eat the school lunch.  Students, please bring the following in a backpack (you have to carry everything by yourself):  hat, sunscreen, umbrella/raincoat, light sweater, snack, and water bottle.  We will have a painting activity at the Ranch and we will also make our own ice-cream!  I know that everyone is getting very excited!!!

Next week, May 2nd and 3rd, there will be no school.  Students, enjoy the Mid-Term Break!  I will see you back at school on May 6th!  Please read as much as you can!  Read, read, read!  Fun, fun, fun!!!  J

Because next week is such a short week, there will be no spelling words

Curriculum Planning for Week 11:
Math:  We will review Chapter 17 and also get tested on this chapter.  The test will be on Tuesday, April 30th
Science:  We will continue with Chapter 13 and try to finish this chapter.
Social Studies:  We will round off Chapter 9.
Reading:  We will be doing activities based on Trapped by the Ice.

This month the annual government Outstanding Student Awards were given to one child from each of our elementary school classes. Students are selected by their schools based on several criteria including character, extra-curricular involvement and academics. Well done Adrien!

Our Student of the Week is Victoria Lee.  Victoria is a great helper.  She is always willing to help everyone and she always shares with her classmates.  Congratulations, Victoria!  You are a star!

Have a relaxing weekend, everyone!
Stay dry and healthy!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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