Thursday 11 April 2013


Dear Parents and Students,

It has been a very productive week in the Third Grade class with learning, projects, tests, and much more.  What a great bunch the third graders are!

Parents, thank you for coming to meet with me this week.  It was great seeing you all.  I appreciate the time you took in your busy schedules.   It is always lovely to meet with you. 

The third graders are working very hard on their Science Fair Projects.  Students, remember to also work on your speech.  Bring all the experiments, props, and display boards to school on Tuesday, April 23rd.  Then we as a class can practice our presentations with each other and this way make everyone feel more confident and relaxed.  The Science Fair will take place on Wednesday, April 24th.

May 1st is the date for our field trip.  Grades 1 to 3 will be visiting the Flying Cow Ranch.  A letter about arrangements, costs, etc. will be going out early next week.  We will be making our own ice cream there and will also paint some pictures.  I can feel the excitement growing.  I am looking forward to it!

IOWA tests are scheduled for the week of May 13th – 17th.  During that week students will not get any homework assignments.  Students, I want you all to make sure you get a good night’s rest every night and also eat a good breakfast.  Remember to pack a healthy snack for every day as well. 

Curriculum Planning for Week 9:
Math:  We will continue with Chapter 16, Congruence, Symmetry and Transformations.
English:  We will start with Unit 9, Writing Instructions.
Science:  In Week 9 we will focus on the Science Fair, but will also look at Unit F, Energy and Change
Social Studies:  We will get tested on Chapters 7 and 8 and then move on to Chapter 9.
Reading:  We will continue with activities based on Across the Wide Dark Sea and will then read our second selection in Theme 5, titled Yunmi and Halmoni’s Trip

Spelling Words for Week 9:
7 Core Subject Words:
kinetic energy
electrical energy
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:
potential energy

Our Student of the Week is Karin Okada.  Karin is working very hard and trying her best.  She is improving very well.  Well done, Karin!  You are a star!!!

Have a splendid weekend, everyone!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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