Thursday 8 November 2012

What a GREAT Week!

Dear Parents and Students,

I am writing this blog with a huge smile on my face!  I am extremely impressed with the Third Graders for presenting their Science Assignments so well on Thursday!  Thank you to all the parents who came.  It was great to have such a big audience.  I will post all the Third Graders’ PowerPoint presentation video recordings (thanks to Mr. Burt and Mr. Harris) as soon as they are done.   Please have a look.  There is no doubt that they are all stars!!!
Here are some pictures:

Also a huge thank you to all the parents for attending the Parent-Teacher Conferences this week!  It was great seeing you all and to have a chance to meet with you again.

Next week Wednesday, November 14th, is our Fun Day.  Please look at previous blog posts for the Fun Day Group post to see what color your team will be wearing on Wednesday.  Please bring your team color shirt to school, together with your water bottle, trainers and comfortable pants.  Sunscreen might also come in handy.  Parents, we will start the event at 1.10pm and all of you are very welcome to come and join us. 

Another fun and memorable event is our Thanksgiving Lunch on November 22nd.  Parents, please send complete and send back the Thanksgiving list.  Thank you in advance for your generosity.  We are all very excited and looking forward to Thanksgiving. 

Curriculum Planning:
Math:  We will finish and review Chapter 6 and have a peek at Chapter 7, Probability
English:  We will continue learning about adjectives.
Reading:  In Week 12 we will continue working on activities based on The Talking Cloth.
Science:  We will start with start with Unit D, The Earth in Space.  First we will look at patterns in the Earth’s atmosphere and learn about the water cycle.
Social Studies:  Due to focus on the Science Presentation we haven’t look at Chapter 4, Human Geography, in Week 11.  We will start with this chapter in Week 12.

Spelling Words for Week 12:
7 Core Subject Words:
water vapor
water cycle
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

It was Yvette Coort’s birthday on Friday, November 9th.  Happy birthday, Yvette!  We wish you endless happiness, good health, and a brilliant future.  Thank you for treating us with delicious pizza for lunch!  J

Our Student of the Week is Kitty Tseng.  Kitty is showing great improvement and she did a great job on her presentation.  She is also a very thoughtful student and always helps and takes care of people around her.  Congratulations, Kitty!  You are a star!

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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