Friday 7 September 2012

Impressive Students

Dear Parents and Students,

It was a fun second week in Third Grade.  We are working hard and we are learning many new things.  The attitudes of the Third Graders are very impressive and we, as a class, are already like a big family.

Talking about great attitudes, our first Student of the Week award of the school year goes to Adrien Chabanne.  He is a very good example of a student who has a GREAT attitude and he is always positive.  Congratulations, Adrien!  You are a star!

Clubs will start next week!  I can already feel the excitement of the students in the air!  Club confirmation letters went home on Thursday, September 6th.  Students, make sure that you know which days you have a club and who your club teacher will be.

Students were given their oral presentation assignment on Thursday.  They have two weeks to prepare for it.  The date scheduled for the oral presentation is September 20th.  Students, please practice at home and prepare props if needed. 

Students’ oral presentation will be graded according to these criteria:
  1. Preparation – props/poster/pictures, notes or cue cards
  2. Depth and breadth of material; organization of material
  3. Expression – usage of tones (intonation)
  4. Clarity – pronunciation; voice must be audible and clear
  5. Delivery – confidence and direct eye contact with audience
Each item is worth 4 points with a total of 20 points per presentation.  Presentations shouldn’t be shorter than 3 minutes. 

Curriculum Planning for Week 3:

Math:  We will continue with Chapter 2, Compare, Order, and Round Whole Numbers, which we started in Week 2.
English:  We will review Unit and get tested on it.
Reading:  We started our second selection and read The Ballade of Mulan.  In week 3 we will do activities based on this story.
Science:  We will review Chapter 1 and then move on to Chapter 2 and learn about classifying animals.
Social Studies:  We will finish Chapter 1 and review it.  We enjoy learning about what a community is. 

Spelling Words for Week 3:

7 Core Subject Words:

7 Frequent Words:

1 Challenging Word:

Test Dates:

Math Test:  Monday, September 10th (Chapter 1)
English Test:  Wednesday, September 12th (Unit 1)
Science Test:  Friday, September 14th (Chapter 1)
Social Studies Test:  Monday, September 17th (Chapter 1)

I friendly want to remind all third grade parents about the Parent-Teacher Introductory Evening, on September 13th, 2012 at 6.30pm.  We will meet in the library of HIS.  I am looking forward meeting you all. 

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!  Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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