Thursday 20 September 2012

Busy as Bees

Dear Parents and Students,

First I want to say happy birthday to Aoi Fujimoto.  It was his birthday on Wednesday.  We wish him endless happiness and great health. Plus good scores!  J

Please take note of the following dates:

Math Test:  September 26th (Chapters 2 & 3)
English Test:  September 28th (Unit 2)
Science Test:  October 1st (Chapters 2 & 3)
Social Studies Test:  October 5th (Chapter 2)

Assembly:  September 28th at 2.20pm
Awareness Week:  October 1st – 5th

Curriculum Planning for Week 5:

Math:  We will review and get tested on Chapters 2 and 3.  We will then move on to Chapter 4, Add Whole Numbers.
Science:  We will finish and review Chapter 2.  Then we will move on to Chapter 3, Living Things Grow and Reproduce.
Social Studies:  We will start with Chapter 2 in Week 5.  In Chapter 2 we will learn about communities of different sizes and look at urban, suburban and rural communities. 
English:  We will finish and review Unit 2.
Reading:  We will do our last 2 stories of our first theme, Radio Rescue and Sybil Ludington’s Midnight Ride.  We will also focus a little bit on poetry.

Spelling Words for Week 5:
7 Core Subject Words:
life cycle
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

The third graders did an extraordinary job on their first oral presentation assignment.  Hake a look at what they did.  The previous blog post contains video clips).

And this brings us to Student of the Week.  Our Student of the Week is Rachel Chan.  She did an excellent job in the oral presentation.  Not only that, she is working very hard and she is a well mannered girl.  Congratulations, Rachel.  You are a star!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the cooler weather!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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