Friday 28 September 2012

Awareness Week is Here!!!

Dear Parents and Students,

The third graders are working hard and after a week of tests and lots of homework J we are all looking forward to Awareness Week!  Next week, October 1st to October 5th, is Awareness Week.  The main reasons behind this is that we want our school to be bullying-free, we want everyone to feel accepted, and we want everyone to know that they belong to the HIS family.  The week has been planned to be filled with lots of fun and learning.  I am very excited about it!  Let’s take a stand and lend a hand!  Let’s be buddies and not bullies!  Students, be sure to be dressed in all blue on Wednesday, October 3rd.  Blue will show that we are against bullying. 

On Monday, October 1st, the third graders will perform a skit during our Awareness Week Opening Assembly.  We will also end the Awareness Week with assembly on Friday, October 5th.  During this assembly the classes will show what they have learned during Awareness Week.  We have some activities planned with our older buddies, the sixth graders and will share some of our results with the rest of the school. 

Students, we will also have snack time with our sixth grade buddies.  If you feel like it you may pack an extra snack to share with your buddy.

Parents, here are some links to websites which you can visit for more information, tips and advice on bullying:

Unfortunately we are also writing tests next week L but, with the great attitudes of the third graders, even test time is fun!.  Students, study hard for the Science Test on Monday, October 1st, and the Social Studies Test on October 5th!

Curriculum Planning for Week 6:
Math:  We will continue with Chapter 4 and learn about Addition.
Science:  We will start with Unit B, Living Things in Their Environment.  First we will look at Chapter 4 and how living things survive.
Social Studies:  We will finish and review Chapter 2.
English:  We will move on to Unit 3.  In Unit 3 we will learn about Verbs
Reading:  This week we will read some poems and focus on poetry.  Poetry ends of Theme 1.  We will also write some poems ourselves and more specifically, we will write a poem focusing on Awareness Week.

Spelling Words for Week 6:
Plural Nouns:
child   –          children
woman -       women
goose -          geese
mouse -         mice
leaf -               leaves
loaf -               loaves
factory -        factories
library -          libraries
butterfly -     butterflies
country -       countries
hobby -         hobbies
sandwich -   sandwiches
splash -          splashes
circus -           circuses
sheep -          sheep

Homework 9/28
Science:  Test (Chapters 2 & 3)
Social Studies:  Preview Chapter 2
English:  Parents, please sign the test.  Students, please do your corrections.
Oral:  think about endangered species… which endangered species would you like to present?
Our Student of the Week is Isaline Jonard.  Isaline is a student who is working very hard and, after only 5 weeks of school, she is already showing much improvement.  She is also very friendly and very helpful.  Congratulations, Isaline!  You are a star!

Have a happy weekend, everyone!  Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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