Friday 28 September 2012

Awareness Week is Here!!!

Dear Parents and Students,

The third graders are working hard and after a week of tests and lots of homework J we are all looking forward to Awareness Week!  Next week, October 1st to October 5th, is Awareness Week.  The main reasons behind this is that we want our school to be bullying-free, we want everyone to feel accepted, and we want everyone to know that they belong to the HIS family.  The week has been planned to be filled with lots of fun and learning.  I am very excited about it!  Let’s take a stand and lend a hand!  Let’s be buddies and not bullies!  Students, be sure to be dressed in all blue on Wednesday, October 3rd.  Blue will show that we are against bullying. 

On Monday, October 1st, the third graders will perform a skit during our Awareness Week Opening Assembly.  We will also end the Awareness Week with assembly on Friday, October 5th.  During this assembly the classes will show what they have learned during Awareness Week.  We have some activities planned with our older buddies, the sixth graders and will share some of our results with the rest of the school. 

Students, we will also have snack time with our sixth grade buddies.  If you feel like it you may pack an extra snack to share with your buddy.

Parents, here are some links to websites which you can visit for more information, tips and advice on bullying:

Unfortunately we are also writing tests next week L but, with the great attitudes of the third graders, even test time is fun!.  Students, study hard for the Science Test on Monday, October 1st, and the Social Studies Test on October 5th!

Curriculum Planning for Week 6:
Math:  We will continue with Chapter 4 and learn about Addition.
Science:  We will start with Unit B, Living Things in Their Environment.  First we will look at Chapter 4 and how living things survive.
Social Studies:  We will finish and review Chapter 2.
English:  We will move on to Unit 3.  In Unit 3 we will learn about Verbs
Reading:  This week we will read some poems and focus on poetry.  Poetry ends of Theme 1.  We will also write some poems ourselves and more specifically, we will write a poem focusing on Awareness Week.

Spelling Words for Week 6:
Plural Nouns:
child   –          children
woman -       women
goose -          geese
mouse -         mice
leaf -               leaves
loaf -               loaves
factory -        factories
library -          libraries
butterfly -     butterflies
country -       countries
hobby -         hobbies
sandwich -   sandwiches
splash -          splashes
circus -           circuses
sheep -          sheep

Homework 9/28
Science:  Test (Chapters 2 & 3)
Social Studies:  Preview Chapter 2
English:  Parents, please sign the test.  Students, please do your corrections.
Oral:  think about endangered species… which endangered species would you like to present?
Our Student of the Week is Isaline Jonard.  Isaline is a student who is working very hard and, after only 5 weeks of school, she is already showing much improvement.  She is also very friendly and very helpful.  Congratulations, Isaline!  You are a star!

Have a happy weekend, everyone!  Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

Thursday 27 September 2012

Homework 9/27

Math:  2 pages (Homework 4.1 and Problem Solving 4.1)
Spelling:  Parents, please sign the test; Students, please do your corrections.
English:  TEST (Unit 2)
Science:  p. A85 ; p. A2 - A3

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Homework 9/26

Math:  Parents, please sign the test.  Students, do corrections.
Science:  p. 14 (Workbook)
English:  p. 15 (Workbook); Review Unit 2
Spelling:  Test

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Homework 9/25

Math:  TEST (Chapters 2 & 3)
Spelling:  write 3 sentences
English:  p. 14 (in Workbook)

Monday 24 September 2012

Homework 9/24

Math:  p. 66 - 67 (No. 12 - 30; complete in Notebook); Review Chapters 2 & 3
English:  p. 20 - 21
Science:  p. A59 (Workbook)

Thursday 20 September 2012

Busy as Bees

Dear Parents and Students,

First I want to say happy birthday to Aoi Fujimoto.  It was his birthday on Wednesday.  We wish him endless happiness and great health. Plus good scores!  J

Please take note of the following dates:

Math Test:  September 26th (Chapters 2 & 3)
English Test:  September 28th (Unit 2)
Science Test:  October 1st (Chapters 2 & 3)
Social Studies Test:  October 5th (Chapter 2)

Assembly:  September 28th at 2.20pm
Awareness Week:  October 1st – 5th

Curriculum Planning for Week 5:

Math:  We will review and get tested on Chapters 2 and 3.  We will then move on to Chapter 4, Add Whole Numbers.
Science:  We will finish and review Chapter 2.  Then we will move on to Chapter 3, Living Things Grow and Reproduce.
Social Studies:  We will start with Chapter 2 in Week 5.  In Chapter 2 we will learn about communities of different sizes and look at urban, suburban and rural communities. 
English:  We will finish and review Unit 2.
Reading:  We will do our last 2 stories of our first theme, Radio Rescue and Sybil Ludington’s Midnight Ride.  We will also focus a little bit on poetry.

Spelling Words for Week 5:
7 Core Subject Words:
life cycle
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

The third graders did an extraordinary job on their first oral presentation assignment.  Hake a look at what they did.  The previous blog post contains video clips).

And this brings us to Student of the Week.  Our Student of the Week is Rachel Chan.  She did an excellent job in the oral presentation.  Not only that, she is working very hard and she is a well mannered girl.  Congratulations, Rachel.  You are a star!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the cooler weather!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

Our First Oral Presentation

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Homework 9/20

Math:  2 pages (Practice 3.5 and Homework 3.5)
Science:  p. 10 - 11 (Workbook)
Spelling:  TEST
Reading:  p. 53 - 55 (Reading Practice Book)

Homework 9/19

Math:  1 page (Homework 3.4);  Students, do all your corrections in Chapter 3.
English:  Oral Presentation!  (Remember your cue cards, props and/or poster)

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Homework 9/18

Math:  2 pages (Homework 3.2 and Reteach 3.3)
English: p.16 – 17
Spelling:  write 2 sentences
Science:  p. 8 – 9
Social Studies:  Parents, please sign the test?  Students, do your  corrections.
Listening:  Parents, please sign the test?

Sunday 16 September 2012

Homework 9/17

Math:  2 pages (Homework 3.1 and Reteach 3.2)
Social Studies:  TEST (Chapter 1)

Friday 14 September 2012

We Work Hard in Third Grade

Dear Parents and Students,

It was a pleasure for me to meet some of the parents on Thursday evening and I am looking forward to meeting parents who were unable to attend our Parents’ Introductory Evening.  I am excited about working together with you all.

I also want to get to know each Third Grader better.  I have sent home a letter which I would like parents to fill in.  This way I can understand each child in our class better and I can get to know each child’s individual needs.  Parents, please send your response back on Monday, September 17th, 2012.  I appreciate your cooperation.

Dates to remember:
Tuesday, September 18thSocial Studies Test (Chapter 1)
Thursday, September 20thOral Presentation ~ Show us how to…

Students, please keep in mind when preparing for the oral presentation:  you should focus on giving your audience clear directions on how to make something of how to do something.  It could be how to make a sandwich, how to make something artistic, how to make a card, etc.  Presentations can include cue cards that you can refer to if you forget your directions.  Please remember that you should not be reading the directions directly from the cue cards.  When choosing a topic, you should keep in mind that you need to demonstrate the actions as you give directions.  Props or posters are therefore a necessity.  Also remember to speak clearly and audibly, and make eye contact with your audience.

Curriculum Planning for Week 4:
Math:  We will start with Chapter 3, Money, and learn about the value of money and more specifically focus on the American money system.
English:  We will start with Unit 2 in Week 4.  In Unit 2 we will learn about nouns. 
Reading:  In week 4 we will read our third selection for Theme 1.  The story’s title is The Lost and Found.  We will also do activities based on this story in our Reading Practice Books.
Science:  We will continue with Chapter 2, Classifying Animals.
Social Studies:  We will start with Chapter 2, Communities of Different Sizes.

Spelling Words for Week 4:
7 Core Subject Words:
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

Our Student of the Week is Jungmin Yoo.  She is working very hard and has received great test scores!  Together with that she has such beautiful manners and a pleasant attitude.  Congratulations, Jungmin!  You are a star!!!

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!  Please take care.

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Homework 9/13

Math:  2 pages (Practice 2.5 and Homework 2.5)
Spelling:  Parents, please sign the test?  Students, do your corrections (X10)
Science:  TEST (Chapter 1)

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Homework 9/12

Math:  2 pages (Practice 2.4 and Homework 2.4)
Spelling:  TEST
English:  sign test; corrections
Reading:  p. 37-39; p. 41-43
Science:  Review Chapter 1

Monday 10 September 2012

Homework 9/11

Math:  1 page (Homework 2.3)
English:  TEST (Unit 1)
Reading:  p. 28 - 30 (Reading Practice Book)

Homework 9/10

Math:  Parents, please sign the test.  Students, do your corrections, please?
English:  complete 2 pages in Notebook; complete p. 9 & 10 in Workbook; review Unit 1

Friday 7 September 2012

Impressive Students

Dear Parents and Students,

It was a fun second week in Third Grade.  We are working hard and we are learning many new things.  The attitudes of the Third Graders are very impressive and we, as a class, are already like a big family.

Talking about great attitudes, our first Student of the Week award of the school year goes to Adrien Chabanne.  He is a very good example of a student who has a GREAT attitude and he is always positive.  Congratulations, Adrien!  You are a star!

Clubs will start next week!  I can already feel the excitement of the students in the air!  Club confirmation letters went home on Thursday, September 6th.  Students, make sure that you know which days you have a club and who your club teacher will be.

Students were given their oral presentation assignment on Thursday.  They have two weeks to prepare for it.  The date scheduled for the oral presentation is September 20th.  Students, please practice at home and prepare props if needed. 

Students’ oral presentation will be graded according to these criteria:
  1. Preparation – props/poster/pictures, notes or cue cards
  2. Depth and breadth of material; organization of material
  3. Expression – usage of tones (intonation)
  4. Clarity – pronunciation; voice must be audible and clear
  5. Delivery – confidence and direct eye contact with audience
Each item is worth 4 points with a total of 20 points per presentation.  Presentations shouldn’t be shorter than 3 minutes. 

Curriculum Planning for Week 3:

Math:  We will continue with Chapter 2, Compare, Order, and Round Whole Numbers, which we started in Week 2.
English:  We will review Unit and get tested on it.
Reading:  We started our second selection and read The Ballade of Mulan.  In week 3 we will do activities based on this story.
Science:  We will review Chapter 1 and then move on to Chapter 2 and learn about classifying animals.
Social Studies:  We will finish Chapter 1 and review it.  We enjoy learning about what a community is. 

Spelling Words for Week 3:

7 Core Subject Words:

7 Frequent Words:

1 Challenging Word:

Test Dates:

Math Test:  Monday, September 10th (Chapter 1)
English Test:  Wednesday, September 12th (Unit 1)
Science Test:  Friday, September 14th (Chapter 1)
Social Studies Test:  Monday, September 17th (Chapter 1)

I friendly want to remind all third grade parents about the Parent-Teacher Introductory Evening, on September 13th, 2012 at 6.30pm.  We will meet in the library of HIS.  I am looking forward meeting you all. 

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!  Take care!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Homework 9/6

Math: 1 page (homework 2.1)
Spelling:  TEST
Reading:  read p. 52 – 83 aloud
Oral:  think about the topic (the assignment is in the Communication books)

Homework 9/5

Math:  Review page 25 (do it in your notebook); do corrections in Workbook
Science:  p. 4 & 5; p. A33
Writing:  Finish the "What I like" part 

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Homework 9/4

Math:  2 pages (practice 1.7 & homework 1.7)
Reading:  p. 18 - 21
Spelling:  practice the spelling words for Friday's test
Writing:  finish "things you like" (for Thursday)

Monday 3 September 2012

Homework 9/3

Math:  2 pages (Practice 1.6 and Homework 1.6)
English:  p. 4 - 5
Reading: p. 9 and p. 17