Wednesday 27 February 2013

International Week 2013

Dear Parents and Students,

What a screaming fun week we had!  We have been all over the world!  To 7 countries, to be exact!  They were Singapore, Columbia, Ireland, Germany, Mexico, Chile, and Spain.  We also got visitors in our own country, South Africa.  We had an unforgettably great time!  I have to make use of this opportunity and say:  THE THIRD GRADERS WERE AMAZING!!!  They presented South Africa indescribably well.  I am a very proud teacher!

Spirit Week is coming up.  This is another exciting week and will take place from Monday, March 11th to Friday, March 15th.  Each day we will dress up according to a specific theme.  The themes are as follow:
Monday, March 11thCrazy Hair Day
Tuesday, March 12thBeach Day
Wednesday, March 13thGrade Color Day (the third grade color will be announced later)
Thursday, March 14thFake-an-Injury Day
Friday, March 15thGreen Day (for St. Patrick’s Day which is on March 17th)

Students, our annual Music Scavenger Hunt will take place on March 20th, from 1.10pm – 2.50pm.  We will compete against the fourth graders.  So start reviewing your musical knowledge and get ready so we can show the fourth graders who we are!

Curriculum Planning for Week 4:
Math:  We will start with Chapter 13, Customary Measurement.
Science:  We will finish Chapter 11, Matter Changes.
English:  We will review Unit 6, Pronouns.  We will also write a test based on this Unit.  
Reading:  We will finish activities based on Nights of the Pufflings.  We will read our second selection, titled Seal Surfer.
Social Studies:  We will start with Chapter 7, Citizenship.  

Spelling Words for Week 4:
7 Core Subject Words:
leap year
degrees Celsius
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:
degrees Fahrenheit

Test Dates:
English:  Friday, March 8th ~ Unit 6
Math:  Thursday, March 7th ~ Chapter 12

Homework 2/27:
Math:  p. 350 - 351 (Review)
Reading:  Read for 30 minutes
Science:  do planning on your Science Fair Project

Everyone, enjoy the four day weekend!  See you on Monday, March 4th.
Happy Peace Day to you all!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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