Thursday 7 February 2013

Chinese Week and Valentine's Day 2013

Dear Parents and Students,

Together with the nice weather we had a lot of fun this week celebrating Chinese Week.  We worked on a fireworks art project, made Chinese New Year pouches, helped our Pre-K buddies to make their pouches, cooked, wrote Valentine’s Day cards, wore red, and ate with chopsticks!  Fun, fun, fun!!!

International Week is scheduled for February 25th to February 27th.  Students, do not forgot to work on your research project on South Africa.   Come and share what you have found.   We will also learn a dance, taste some food, and present our information to the rest of the school.

The third graders started to work on their Science Fair projects.  They got divided into groups and can choose their own topics.  We started to learn about the Scientific method and students got their first worksheet.  To complete this worksheet they will focus on the first two steps of the Scientific method, i.e., ask a question and make a hypothesis.  Students, this worksheet has to be finished by Friday, February 22nd

Curriculum Planning for Week 2:
Math:  We will start with Chapter 12, Time and Temperature.  We will only focus on Time in Week 2.
Science:  We will work on our Science Fair projects, but we will also start with Chapter 11, Matter Changes.  We will be learning about physical properties and physical change.
Social Studies:  We will be focusing on our research on South Africa.  We will learn about this country and work on our presentations, which we will show to the whole school.  J
Reading:  We will start our second reading book for third grade.  Our second book starts with Theme 4, Animal Habitats.  Our first selection in this theme is Nights of the Pufflings.  We will do activities based on this story in our second Reading Practice Book. 

Spelling Words for Week 2:
7 Core Curriculum Subject Words:
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

Homework 2/8:
Social Studies:  Parents, please sign the test.  Students, please do your corrections.
Reading:  read for at least 2 hours

The school is closed during Chinese New Year and will start again on February 18th.  Second semester clubs will also start on February 18th

Our Student of the Week is Tom Lu.  Tom is making excellent progress and is improving in all areas!  Congratulations, Tom!  You are a star!!!

Parents and Students, make sure you watch the diorama presentations on our blog.  I posted the video clips earlier this week (on Wednesday, February 20th).  The third graders did an excellent job!

Happy Chinese New Year to all of you!  Enjoy the time with family and friends!  Take care and stay healthy!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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