Wednesday 27 February 2013

Grade 3 International Week Performance

International Week 2013

Dear Parents and Students,

What a screaming fun week we had!  We have been all over the world!  To 7 countries, to be exact!  They were Singapore, Columbia, Ireland, Germany, Mexico, Chile, and Spain.  We also got visitors in our own country, South Africa.  We had an unforgettably great time!  I have to make use of this opportunity and say:  THE THIRD GRADERS WERE AMAZING!!!  They presented South Africa indescribably well.  I am a very proud teacher!

Spirit Week is coming up.  This is another exciting week and will take place from Monday, March 11th to Friday, March 15th.  Each day we will dress up according to a specific theme.  The themes are as follow:
Monday, March 11thCrazy Hair Day
Tuesday, March 12thBeach Day
Wednesday, March 13thGrade Color Day (the third grade color will be announced later)
Thursday, March 14thFake-an-Injury Day
Friday, March 15thGreen Day (for St. Patrick’s Day which is on March 17th)

Students, our annual Music Scavenger Hunt will take place on March 20th, from 1.10pm – 2.50pm.  We will compete against the fourth graders.  So start reviewing your musical knowledge and get ready so we can show the fourth graders who we are!

Curriculum Planning for Week 4:
Math:  We will start with Chapter 13, Customary Measurement.
Science:  We will finish Chapter 11, Matter Changes.
English:  We will review Unit 6, Pronouns.  We will also write a test based on this Unit.  
Reading:  We will finish activities based on Nights of the Pufflings.  We will read our second selection, titled Seal Surfer.
Social Studies:  We will start with Chapter 7, Citizenship.  

Spelling Words for Week 4:
7 Core Subject Words:
leap year
degrees Celsius
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:
degrees Fahrenheit

Test Dates:
English:  Friday, March 8th ~ Unit 6
Math:  Thursday, March 7th ~ Chapter 12

Homework 2/27:
Math:  p. 350 - 351 (Review)
Reading:  Read for 30 minutes
Science:  do planning on your Science Fair Project

Everyone, enjoy the four day weekend!  See you on Monday, March 4th.
Happy Peace Day to you all!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

Monday 25 February 2013

Homework 2/26

Math:  2 pages
Social Studies:  South Africa Worksheet
Reading:  read for 20 minutes

Remember to wear black again tomorrow.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Homework 2/25

Math:  3 pages
Reading:  read for 20 minutes
Social Studies:  review speech and song; remember your black clothes

Thursday 21 February 2013

International Week is Coming Up!!!!!

Dear Parents and Students,

What an extraordinary fun week we had!  We were busy with preparations for International Week.  We made posters, learned speeches and a dance, and did fun art activities.  But most of all it is great to see how much enthusiasm, effort, and creativity the third graders put into the activities.  And it is also great to see how much they are learning and growing!

Next week is International Week!  We will be presenting our presentations on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 26th and 27th.  Parents, you are very welcome to come and join us.  We will also be “traveling around the world” on those days and visiting all the other classes and their countries.  I am VERY excited about International Week!  What a great learning opportunity for all of us!  The third graders have been working hard and I can’t wait for them to show the others their presentation. 

Students, please wear only black on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 26th and 27th

Please have a look at the following schedule.  This shows which class will be visiting which country on Tuesday and Wednesday:

Next week Thursday and Friday, February 28th and March 1st, there will be no school for students.  Thursday, February 28th, is a national holiday, Peace Day.  Friday, March 1st, is scheduled as a professional development day for the teachers.  Students, that means no school for you!  Greatness, right?!  J

Due to the fact that it is International Week next week, together with a very short week, there are no new spelling words.  We will be focusing on International Week and make good use of this FUN learning opportunity. 

Homework 2/22:
Math:  3 pages
Social Studies:  review the song and speech
Handwriting:  Unit 13 (p. 30 -31)
Spelling:  Parents, please sign the test.
Reading:  read for 30 minutes

Our monthly assembly is rescheduled for Friday, March 8th.  Parents, you are very welcome to attend any of the assemblies.  It is always great to have you with us.  Students, if there are any awards you have received outside of school, please bring them to school.  We would like to hand them to you at the assembly

Students, something to look forward to is Spirit Week also the Music Treasure Hunt.  Spirit Week is from March 11th to March 15th.  There will be a theme for everyday and we need to dress up according to the theme.  It is a lot of fun!  All the teachers will dress up too!!!  The Music Treasure Hunt for the third graders will take place on Wednesday, March 20th, from 1.10pm to 2.50pm.  We will be competing against the fourth graders.  Third graders, I know we can do it!  We always do our best!!!

Our Student of the Week is Kitty Tseng.  Kitty is a great helper.  She always helps her friends and teachers with a smile.  She is also approaching every task with great enthusiasm.  Congratulations, Kitty.  You are a star!

Have a lovely weekend, everyone! 
Stay warm and safe!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Homework 2/21

Math:  3 pages
Spelling:  Test
Science:  Science Fair Project: Worksheet 1
Social Studies:  study your speech (with gestures) and learn the song's lyrics (as much as you can)

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Homework 2/20

Math:  3 pages
Reading:  p. 6 - 7; p. 9 -11
Social Studies:  study your part of the South African speech (at least half); poster preparations

Monday 18 February 2013

Homework 2/19

Math:  3 pages
Spelling:  write 4 sentences
Social Studies:  preparations for South African posters

Thursday 7 February 2013

Chinese Week and Valentine's Day 2013

Dear Parents and Students,

Together with the nice weather we had a lot of fun this week celebrating Chinese Week.  We worked on a fireworks art project, made Chinese New Year pouches, helped our Pre-K buddies to make their pouches, cooked, wrote Valentine’s Day cards, wore red, and ate with chopsticks!  Fun, fun, fun!!!

International Week is scheduled for February 25th to February 27th.  Students, do not forgot to work on your research project on South Africa.   Come and share what you have found.   We will also learn a dance, taste some food, and present our information to the rest of the school.

The third graders started to work on their Science Fair projects.  They got divided into groups and can choose their own topics.  We started to learn about the Scientific method and students got their first worksheet.  To complete this worksheet they will focus on the first two steps of the Scientific method, i.e., ask a question and make a hypothesis.  Students, this worksheet has to be finished by Friday, February 22nd

Curriculum Planning for Week 2:
Math:  We will start with Chapter 12, Time and Temperature.  We will only focus on Time in Week 2.
Science:  We will work on our Science Fair projects, but we will also start with Chapter 11, Matter Changes.  We will be learning about physical properties and physical change.
Social Studies:  We will be focusing on our research on South Africa.  We will learn about this country and work on our presentations, which we will show to the whole school.  J
Reading:  We will start our second reading book for third grade.  Our second book starts with Theme 4, Animal Habitats.  Our first selection in this theme is Nights of the Pufflings.  We will do activities based on this story in our second Reading Practice Book. 

Spelling Words for Week 2:
7 Core Curriculum Subject Words:
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

Homework 2/8:
Social Studies:  Parents, please sign the test.  Students, please do your corrections.
Reading:  read for at least 2 hours

The school is closed during Chinese New Year and will start again on February 18th.  Second semester clubs will also start on February 18th

Our Student of the Week is Tom Lu.  Tom is making excellent progress and is improving in all areas!  Congratulations, Tom!  You are a star!!!

Parents and Students, make sure you watch the diorama presentations on our blog.  I posted the video clips earlier this week (on Wednesday, February 20th).  The third graders did an excellent job!

Happy Chinese New Year to all of you!  Enjoy the time with family and friends!  Take care and stay healthy!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Homework 2/7

Math:  Parents, please sign the test?  Students, please do corrections.
Social Studies:  TEST (Chapters 5 & 6)

Students, tomorrow is Chopsticks Day!  Remember your CHOPSTICKS!!!  

Diorama Presentations

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Homework 2/6 + Red Day Photo

Math:  TEST (Chapters 10 & 11)
Social Studies:  Review Chapter 6 (Remember the test on Friday will be on Chapters 5 AND 6).
Science:  Think about a topic for your Science Fair Project.

Have a look at HIS's Wear Red Day during Chinese Week:

Monday 4 February 2013

Homework 2/5

English:  p. 70 - 71
Writing:  finish your Valentine's Day cards
Social Studies:  Read Chapter 5

Please wear read tomorrow!!!

Homework 2/4

Reading:  read for 20 minutes
Spelling:  review all spelling words ( we will have a fun Spelling Bee in class tomorrow)

Remember to work on your South Africa Research worksheet :) !