Tuesday 21 August 2012

Welcome in Grade 3!

Dear Parents and 3rd Graders,

A warm welcome to all the parents and students in the Grade 3 class.  I trust that you all had a wonderful summer and that you are looking forward to the new school year.

My name is Anneloe Crous and I am the classroom teacher for Grade 3.  It will be my third year as the Grade 3 teacher at Hsinchu International School.  I am South African and have been in Taiwan for more than 7 years.

There will be many new challenges to strengthen us, encourage us to develop our talents, find new skills, and achieve goals we would never have expected.  I believe in providing a happy, trusting, and supportive learning environment where each child will be encouraged and have the opportunity to reach his/her full potential.

To increase our communication throughout the year I have created a blog for our classroom.  I will keep you all up to date with important events, schedules, tests, dates and so forth.  Please visit this website regularly: http://mscrous3rdgrade.blogspot.com

Students will each receive a communication book for homework.  This book needs to be signed daily.  Please sign the book only when the homework is complete.  Your signature will indicate that your child has completed the assignment as required.  Should it be necessary for you to communicate with me, you are very welcome to write a note in the communication book. 

Your assistance with homework is essential to your child’s success this year, as it is the consolidation of work covered in class.  It is a good idea to get your child into a routine of packing his/her own schoolbag before going to bed, so that nothing is left at home. Please do not do your child’s homework for them but rather help them when needed.

As part of our daily school routine we have snack time in the mornings.  Please help to promote healthy eating habits by providing your child healthy snacks each day.  The stretch between breakfast and lunch can be quite long.  I ask that no candy be included in the snack. 

Please make sure that all students are wearing appropriate clothing for PE classes.  Students need to wear running shoes and need to bring a water bottle as well.  During the summer students can also wear hats.

When money is sent to school, please could you place it in an envelope marked with your child’s name, grade, the amount and what it’s for.

Please make sure about the school times.  School starts at 8.20am and lessons finish at 3.10pm.  Please make sure that students are at school and ready for class at 8.20am. 

Listed below you will find the classroom supply list so that your child can be prepared for the new school year.  Please feel free to contact me with any concerns, suggestions or questions.  My door is always open.  Please feel free to also contact me via email at crous.his@gmail.com.

I look forward to meeting and getting to know you all better during the coming year. 

Kind Regards,
Ms. Anneloe Crous

Classroom Supply List for Third Graders:

5 sharpened pencils
1 sharpener
1 eraser
1 ruler (showing both centimeters and inches; length = 30cm)
I pair of scissors
coloring pencils (a set of at least 12 colors)
markers (a set of at least 12 colors)
oil pastels (a set of at least 12 colors)
2 glue sticks (please NOT the clear liquid glue)
3 highlighters
1 English dictionary
Water bottle (please, fill with only water)
1 box of tissues
1 package of hand sanitizer wipes
hat/cap for PE
1 warmer shirt/sweater to be left at school (for when students find themselves chilly in the classroom)
2 folders, like the ones below (one would be used in Music class and the other one for Chinese/ESL)
*** Please restock your child’s supply regularly.

Parents, please send NT$480 to school?  This is to pay for notebooks and binders needed in various subjects, and a homework folder. 

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