Friday 31 August 2012

End of the First Fantastic Week

Dear Parents and Students,

The first week of Grade 3 has passed very quickly.   Thank you for your assistance in ensuring that we function well as a team.  I appreciate your cooperation.

We spent this week getting to know each other, the schedule, and classroom procedures and rules.  The third graders are a lovely group and I am very excited about the year ahead!

We already started with Math, Science, Reading, English and Social Studies this week.

  • In Math, we have completed our first five lessons about Place and Value.
  • In English we started with the first unit, The Sentence, and we did the first lesson. 
  • In Reading, we read our first story, Cliff Hanger, and did the first few activities.
  • In Science we finished the first lesson of the first chapter, Parts of Plants.
  • In Social Studies we started with Map Skills and learned about a compass rose, direction, a grid, map legend and the map scale.

What lies ahead in Week 2:
Math:  We will continue with Chapter 1 and finish and review it by the end of next week.  We will try to also have a brief look at Chapter 2.
English: We will continue with Unit 1 and learn about different sentences, end marks and parts of the sentence.
Oral Presentation: Students will get their first oral presentation assignment for Grade 3! Students will have 2 weeks to prepare for it.  The first oral presentation is scheduled for Thursday, September 20th. 
Reading: We will continue with activities based on our first adventure story, Cliff Hanger.
Science: It seems like the Grade 3’s are really hard workers.  By the end of next week we will be finished with Chapter 1. 
Social Studies:  We will continue with map skills, but we will also start with Chapter 1, Learning About Communities, and we will learn what a community is and how communities are different. 

From next week we will work at a faster pace. Now that students are settled back into the school routine after the long summer vacation, we are ready to start learning and growing more quickly!

Below is a list of all the specialty subjects the Grade 3’s will attend, with the day and the specific teachers’ names.

Day the attend


Mrs. Huang
Mrs. Tsai
ESL (English Second Language)

Mr. Marais

Mr. Burt


Ms. Faye
Ms. Faye

Mr. Burt
Mrs. Welz

As you know, the students have a homework book which needs to be signed daily.  Please sign this book only when the homework is complete.  Your signature will indicate that they have done the assignment as required.  Should it be necessary for you to communicate with me, you are also more than welcome to write a note in the homework book.

As part of our routine, we have a healthy snack break that takes place at 10.20 am daily. Please help to promote good eating habits by providing your child with healthy snacks such as fresh fruit, vegetables, crackers and granola bars.  Please do prepare a snack every day. 

When money is sent to school, please could you place the money in an envelope marked with your child’s name, the amount, and what the money is for. 

Please make sure about the adjusted school times.  School starts at 8.20am and lessons finish at 3.10pm.  Please make sure students are at school and ready for class by 8.20am. 

Clubs will start on September 10th.  Students, that is something exciting to look forward to!

I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at our Parent – Teacher introduction evening, which will be held on September 13th, 2012 at 6.30pm.

Parents and Students, please visit our blog every week.  This way you will be updated with important dates and events.  The homework will also be posted on our blog daily.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any queries at

Thank you once again for your assistance.  

Ray Chang is leaving our HIS family.  We are very sad to say good bye to such a lovely student and friend.  We wish him all the best for his future.  Take care, Ray, and come visit us often.  

Have a pleasant weekend, everyone!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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