Thursday 6 June 2013


Dear Parents and Students,

It has been an unforgettable week, a week filled with excitement and anticipation.  It has been the week of our Elementary production, Matilda.  You could feel the excitement throughout the school.  Students and teachers have been working very hard on this musical and I believe it will be the talk of the town for a very long time!

I am not only very impressed by the third graders who are involved with Matilda, but I am also very impressed and grateful for the third graders who stayed at school, did their work well and handed in homework assignments in my absence, while I was busy with Matilda at the theater.  Third Graders, you are making me very proud!  It is absolutely fantastic to see how you have matured and grown in independence!

On Monday, June 17th, will be our last assembly for this school year.  All parents are welcome, like always, to join us in the library, at 2.20pm for our assembly. 

On Wednesday, June 12th, there will be no school.  It is Dragon Boat Festival.  Enjoy this public holiday with all your families and friends!  And go cheer for HIS’s dragon boat at Nanlio!

There will still be clubs next week.  The last day of clubs will be on Friday, June 14th

Curriculum Planning for Week 17:
Math:  We will start with Chapter 21, Multiply by 1-Digit Number.
Social Studies:  We will continue and complete Chapter 11.
Reading:  We haven’t finished activities based on Poppa’s New Pants in Week 16.  We will first complete these activities and then move on to activities based on Ramona Quimby, Age 8. 
English:  We will complete Unit 10. 

Spelling Words for Week 17:
7 Core Subject Words
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

Our Student of the Week is Karin Okada.  Karin is making excellent progress and her scores are improving.  Congratulations, Karin.  You are a star!

Have a GREAT weekend, everyone! 

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

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