Tuesday 18 June 2013

Thank you, Third Graders!!!

Dear Grade 3’s,     

What a wonderful year it has been, being your teacher.  I will always treasure the memories of the past year in my heart and will take them to Qatar with me.

Thank you for being such lovely students, for having good manners, and for showing others respect.  Thank you for studying hard and for being energetic and enthusiastic, no matter what.  Every day was fun with you.  I will miss you a lot!

Remember:  “Refuse to be Average!”
Always be the best you can be!

Have a wonderful, prosperous future!
Keep in touch.

Ms. Anneloe Crous

Thank you, Parents!!!

Dear Parents,

What a great year I had teaching the Grade 3 students!  It was an unforgettable year and the memories of the past year will always be treasured in my heart.  I will take them with me to Qatar. 

I would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in me as your child’s teacher.  Thank you for letting me be a part of your child’s education this past year.

Thank you for all your help, all the treats throughout the year and for your indispensable cooperation.  It was a pleasure working with you in educating the Grade 3’s.  I truly enjoyed helping your children learn and grow, and I will miss them a lot next year.

Have a great summer and a prosperous future.

Kind Regards,
Ms. Anneloe Crous

Puppet Show 2013

Thursday 13 June 2013

A Great Memorable Year!

Dear Parents and Students,

I cannot believe the school year is starting to draw to a close.  There is only half a week left!  Third Graders, you have only half a week left in Grade 3!!!  Then it is summer vacation!!!  And then it is off to FOURTH GRADE!  Third Graders, I am very proud of you and I will miss you all dearly.  I had a GREAT, MEMORABLE year with you and I will be leaving Taiwan with a full heart and happy memories.

I have a few arrangements for next week:

Monday, June 17th = Pizza and Movie Fun
I will provide everything for us to make our own pizzas for lunch.  Students, you may bring any age appropriate DVD of your choice.  We can vote on the most suitable DVD. 

We also have our last assembly for this school year at 2.00pm in the HIS Library.  Parents, you are very welcome to join us.

Tuesday, June 18th = Water Fun and Buddy Fun
We will have some Water Fun in the morning.  Students, for Water Fun you need to bring your swim suit, sunglasses, sunscreen, a water gun or two (maybe you can share with a classmate who doesn’t have one), beach towel, and flip flops/sandals. 

Our Reading Buddies invited us for a last get together in the afternoon.  We formed a strong friendship throughout the year with these students.  We want to end the year with them on a high, fun note and want to join them for a party and movie in their class.  Students, please bring some yummy snacks to share with a few friends. 

Wednesday, June 19th = Game Fun
Students, you may bring a game which you would like to play with your friends.  Again you can bring a yummy snack to share with your friends.  We will have fun together as a third grade class for the last time.  School will end after lunch.  Buses will leave school at 1.00pm.  Non-bus children should also be collected from school at this time. 

I am looking forward to making some last memories with the Grade 3’s!!!

Our Students of the Week is Dahyun Joo.  Dahyun has been making very good progress since she has join our class.  She is a very diligent workerDahyun, well done on your hard work.  Congratulations!  You are a star!

To all the fathers, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!  Enjoy the day very much! 
Third Graders, treat your dads very well and tell them how special they are and how much you love them.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous

Monday 10 June 2013

Homework 6/11 + A Visit from Uncle Bug

Homework 6/11:
Math:  3 pages
Spelling:  write 4 sentences
English:  Puppet Show!!!
Happy Dragon Boat Festival!!!

A Visit from Uncle Bug:

Homework 6/10

Math:  3 pages
Social Studies:  p. 108, 110, 111

Thursday 6 June 2013


Dear Parents and Students,

It has been an unforgettable week, a week filled with excitement and anticipation.  It has been the week of our Elementary production, Matilda.  You could feel the excitement throughout the school.  Students and teachers have been working very hard on this musical and I believe it will be the talk of the town for a very long time!

I am not only very impressed by the third graders who are involved with Matilda, but I am also very impressed and grateful for the third graders who stayed at school, did their work well and handed in homework assignments in my absence, while I was busy with Matilda at the theater.  Third Graders, you are making me very proud!  It is absolutely fantastic to see how you have matured and grown in independence!

On Monday, June 17th, will be our last assembly for this school year.  All parents are welcome, like always, to join us in the library, at 2.20pm for our assembly. 

On Wednesday, June 12th, there will be no school.  It is Dragon Boat Festival.  Enjoy this public holiday with all your families and friends!  And go cheer for HIS’s dragon boat at Nanlio!

There will still be clubs next week.  The last day of clubs will be on Friday, June 14th

Curriculum Planning for Week 17:
Math:  We will start with Chapter 21, Multiply by 1-Digit Number.
Social Studies:  We will continue and complete Chapter 11.
Reading:  We haven’t finished activities based on Poppa’s New Pants in Week 16.  We will first complete these activities and then move on to activities based on Ramona Quimby, Age 8. 
English:  We will complete Unit 10. 

Spelling Words for Week 17:
7 Core Subject Words
7 Frequent Used Words:
1 Challenging Word:

Our Student of the Week is Karin Okada.  Karin is making excellent progress and her scores are improving.  Congratulations, Karin.  You are a star!

Have a GREAT weekend, everyone! 

Kind Regards,
Ms. Crous